Thursday, May 10, 2012

#4 - Check!!

Completing #4 was tough. Really tough. In fact, it was a lot tougher than I had anticipated it would be. Here's how the story goes....

A little over a month ago, I got my first acceptance letter to a graduate program in Philadelphia. Super exciting stuff!! After many restless nights and many, many prayers, I finally had someplace (that was NOT Cleveland) to go to grad school. :-) So for the next few weeks I began preparing myself mentally and  emotionally to move across the country and away from the Arizona sun. I was getting VERY excited (albeit terrified) when I got another acceptance letter. From a school not so far away. :-) To say I was shocked would be an understatement. (If you want a first-person recap, as Jon. I was on the phone with him when I checked the mail and tore open the letter. In the middle of the street. Screaming like a moron at 9:30pm on a Tuesday night). To be honest, I was not sure I would even get an interview for this program, much less an acceptance letter. BUT I did. 

So, after many prayers, many hours spent writing pro and con lists, and a lot of time weighing my options, I've decided to start my masters in the fall at Midwestern University!!! I am very thankful for the opportunity to continue my education at home in sunny AZ with the support of all of my family and friends. Leaving would have been exciting and new. But, I think this next year is going to be stressful enough without moving  across the country. The following is a brief excerpt from my pro-MWU list. Enjoy...

MWU Pros:
1. I love the sun.
2. Meet Baby Suiter for the first time in person, NOT via skype.
3. I don't actually like the snow. I just like to visit it for a short time.
4. Family and friends are here!
5. I really, really love the sun.
6. Flip flops year round.
7. No scraping ice off your car. Bonus!!!
8. No driving in rain/hail/snow or other insane weather.
9. I'm not so sure Philadelphia actually is the city of brotherly love...
10. It will be easier for me to kidnap Jack (the Cracker Cat) if I'm still in-state.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

You can meet my baby but you CAN NOT steal my cat!!!!!! Get your own cat crazy lady!

Oh, and congratulations...even though I was there when you got the letter. Now it's officially because it's online. And just for added measure...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!