Sunday, April 29, 2012

Colonizers of Dreams

As I mentioned in my last post, I started reading the The Hobbit again as part of my 101 in 1001 list. I am almost 100 pages in and absolutely LOVING it. Seriously,  my lit. major and book worm alter egos are currently having a contest to see who can geek out more. So far it's pretty much a tie, but I'll keep you posted. Promise. But, the purpose of this post it NOT to reveal how much of a geek I am (if you're reading this you probably already know I am exponentially "geeky"), but rather to share with you part of the brief preface printed in my edition of The Hobbit. It was written by Peter S. Beagle in 1973 and I think he eloquently captures the reason those of us who love fantasy series get so wrapped up in fictional worlds filled with magic and make-believe. He writes:

...The impulse is being called reactionary now, but lovers of Middle-earth want to go there. I myself would like a shot.

For in the end it is Middle-earth and its dwellers that we love, not Tolkien's considerable gifts in showing is to us. I said once that the world he charts was there long before him, and I still believe it. He is a great enough magician to tap our most common nightmares, day-dreams and twilight fantasies, but he never invented them either: he found them a place to live, a green alternative to each day's madness here in a poisoned world. We are raised to honor all the wrong explorers and discovers -- thieves planting flags, murders carrying crosses. Let us at last praise the colonizers of dreams.  

So here's to Tolkien, Rowling and all the other "colonizer's of dreams." Thank you for giving us an escape and revealing to us the worlds that have long existed in our minds and our hearts.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

#6 = Check!

I have officially submitted my FAFSA (NOT FASFA) form! I can't believe that this bore is the first thing I'm checking off my 101 list, but oh well. The great news is I have a lot of other goals that I can happily report are in progress. To name a few I started reading The Hobbit again and am liking it MUCH better the second time around. Thank goodness. Also, since Baby Suiter is still growing strong and wearing momma-to-be out like a champ, I think I can count that as "in progress" too. Even though I didn't so much have anything to do with it. Also, though I haven't announced it officially yet, I'm pretty sure where I have decided I am going to grad. school. :-) EEK!

Stay tuned for more exciting (pinky-promise) checks!!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

101 in 1001 Days

    My 101 in 1001
    Completion Date: January 20, 2015

    Alright, so I'm officially jumping on the 101 in 1001 Bandwagon and making my own list. For those of you unaware of what a 101 in 1001 list is exactly, it is pretty easy. Basically, its a list of 101 things. I have to complete these 101 things in 1001 days. Or else the earth will self destruct, the sky will fall and you'll all have me to blame. Like I was saying, this is a list of 101 random and not-so-random goals I have set for myself that I am going to do my best to complete 1001 days from now. Some of them might not be possible and, depending on what these next 2.73 years hold, I might have to make some slight amendments to my original list. But, without further ado, I give you my list...

    1.   Take the MCAT. - 7/6/12
    2.   Have a Spa Day with Izzy and Lauren after our tests.
    3.   Apply to Medical school. - 8/8/12
    5.   Complete my one year master’s/post-bac program.
    6.   Complete my FAFSA form. - 4/28/12
    7.   Move out on my own. - 8/1/12
    8.   MEET Baby Suiter and introduce myself as the world’s GREATEST Aunt!!!!
    9.   Babysit Baby Suiter!!!
    10. Get into medical school.
    11. ROCK the first year of medical school. (Read as do NOT fail out).
    12. Buy a new camera. (A REAL camera. iPhone does not count.)
    13. Go to California.
    14. Visit the Atlantic Ocean – state side this time.
    15. Get my ears pierced again.
    16. Get another tattoo.
    17. Go to New York City!
    18. Do my taxes by myself.
    19. Visit Jon again at West Point. (This time, sans the flu.)
    20. Finish watching ALL of Scrubs.
    21. Read Anthem.
    22. Figure out how to cook tofu. (It’s tasty and I like it! No judgement.)
    23. Go camping with Dad.
    24. Go to a Switchfoot concert. (It’s been WAY too long.)
    25. Go to a concert. (ANY concert.)
    26. See a show at Gammage.
    27. Go to Postino’s with Aunt Betsy.
    28. Go hiking in Sedona with Beth. (Fingers crossed this time our chosen trail won’t be flooded!)
    29. Visit the Grand Canyon again.
    30. Read Crazy Love. - June '12
    31. Read TheHobbit.- 5/22/12
    32. Read Lord of the Rings.
    33. Hike Camel Back Mountain with Jon.
    34. Hike Camel Back Mountain with Izzy.
    35. Hike Picacho Peak.
    36. Read an Emily Bronte novel.
    38. Read The Fountainhead.
    39. Go to the Kaibab. (My favorite spot in AZ!)
    40. Take a spinning class. (And live to tell about it.)
    41. Run a 5K. (Nothing too scary about that!)
    42. Learn how to change a tire.
    44. Re-read the Heart of the Lion Series.
    45. Make a craft you’ve pinned on Pinterest.
    46. Make a recipe you’ve pinned on Pinterest.
    47. Take a fun road trip with Shannon.
    48. Go to the shooting range with dad.
    49. Watch ten movies on AFI’s top 100 list.
    50. Grill Father’s Day dinner for dad.
    51. Get a new computer!
    52. Go on a girl’s trip with mom.
    53. Go to the Phoenix Art Museum.
    54. Go to Vegas and see Cirque de Soleil.
    55. Take the girls to a Diamondbacks game.
    56. Go with Dad and Jon to a Diamondbacks Game.
    57. Take a day trip to Payson with Terrie.
    58. Read Anna Karenina.
    59. Go to Niagara Falls again.
    60. Do a double feature at the movies with Shannon.
    61. Take a wine class. (I am not a lush!)
    62. Take a beer class. (I repeat, I am NOT a lush!)
    63. Spend an ENTIRE day with Jon.
    64. Go to the Arizona Science Center with Lauren.
    65. Take a ballet fitness class. (WHAT?!)
    67. Read Crime and Punishment.
    68. Finish the Vintage Jesus sermon series.
    69. Have a pedicure date with Lauren.
    70. Go on a trapeze.
    71. Re-read Harry Potter.
    72. Watch the sun rise.
    73. Get a new bike.
    74. Take said new bike out on a fun mountain trail. (Avoid cliffs.)
    75. Go on another medical mission trip.
    76. Read Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian.
    77. Go back to Europe!
    78. Go to a Cardinal’s football game.
    79. Take a Spanish class.
    80. Go to a Phoenix Suns Game.
    81. Go snorkeling. (Steer clear of ALL fish bigger than me.)
    82. Get certified to scuba dive. (See parenthetical directions for No. 81.)
    83. Run a 10k.
    84. Hike the Grand Canyon.
    85. Read The Old Testament.
    86. Read The New Testament.
    87. Learn the basics of how to play guitar.
    88. Listen to the Peasant Princess Sermon Series.
    89. Do a mini –triathlon. (Emphasis on the MINI.)
    90. Get a massage.
    91. Have a pedicure date with Libby.
    92. Go on another cruise.
    93. Take a kickboxing class. (Reach official B.A. status.)
    94. TRY to learn how to ski/snowboard. (Whichever is easiest!)
    95. TRY trail running.
    96. Cook a TASTY vegan desert. (Emphasis on “tasty.”)
    97. Do a HEALTHY detox/cleanse. (One Jillian Michaels would approve of.)
    98. Have a pedicure date with Izzy.
    99. Have a girl’s night with Rebekah and Beth. (It has been absolutely FOREVER!)
    100.  Meet Baby Maxwell! - 6/2/12
    101.  Run a half marathon. (Just. Do. It.)

    Monday, April 23, 2012

    Good Reads

    For my birthday, Jon gave me The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. This book has been patiently sitting on my Amazon wishlist for the better part of two years. The fact that Jon gave it to me without me even having to ask for it is proof of how much of a nerd I am and how well he knows me. :) If you've taken a gen bio class, chances are you've heard of the infamous HeLa cells. While these cells are known in science laboratories throughout the world, and have aided in the discovery of some groundbreaking science, little was known about the woman these cells came from, Henrietta Lacks. Rebecca Skloot decided to write a book shedding light not only on Henrietta Lacks, but her entire family.

    Skloot is a science writer, and had no trouble bringing Henrietta's story to life. Though it is non-fiction, it reads like a novel and I definitely had a hard time putting it down. Even if you are unfamiliar with biology, I would still absolutely recommend this book! Skloot explains the basic biology necessary to understand the story in simplistic and easy to understand voice. For those of us pursuing a career in medicine, Henrietta Lacks' story is a good cautionary tale reminding us to always remember that patients are people not just "cases."