- Do NOT under any circumstance make the nurses mad/annoyed. Or remind them they are hungry.
- If you walk around purposefully, people will think you have a purpose.
- Drunk people are exponentially more dumb in a hospital.
- Drunk patients are the worst.
- Never step on the chest saw cord.
- Doctors are people.
- Pitbulls may be dangerous, but they make for some very anatomically educational injuries.
- In most cases of broken bottles v. frat boy faces, frat boy faces lose.
- Dumb people should not carry 38's.
- Those same dumb people should not smoke weed while attempting to handle 38's that "aren't theirs."
- Patients are people.
- Teach your children how to dial 911.
- If you have made the decision to drink all day, make the decision NOT to continue drinking on a poorly gated third story balcony.
- Its unrealistic to wear Converse shoes while riding a motorcycle and expect to escape an accident with all of your toes.
- When a trauma surgeon tells you it's time for surgery, it's time for surgery.
- Sometimes broken necklaces can look like bullets in an X-ray.
- The ED is a cold place. Wear layers.
- 97 years old is too old to be jumping on a couch.
- Neurosurgeons stand out. They just do.
- Scrubs are not flattering.
- Sometimes the Emergency Department is exactly like ER.
- Most of the time the Emergency Department is nothing like ER.
- Defibrillators really do make that Hollywood "charging" sound AND people really do say "clear!"
- Anesthesiologists have it MADE.
- XXL wheel chairs are not easy to maneuver.
- Sometimes miracles do happen.
- Putting on sterile gloves is SO much harder than they make it look on Grey's.
- Po-go sticks are good precursors to broken noses.
- Elmer's glue + gauze = an effective way to remove cactus spines.
- The human body has some very "interesting" smells.
- Chaplains can bring more comfort than doctors and pain meds.
- 12 hours is a long time.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Elements Combined
It would be impossible for me to make a list of everything I learned and saw during my ten 12-hour emergency department shifts. But, I've been attempting to mentally review my time there now that I have officially completed my 120 hours. So, here are some lessons learned and things remembered.
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Great list friend!!!!! I laughed out loud at most of these just remembering all the stories that go along with them. I'm glad that you survived all 120 hours. :)
why doesn't blogger have a like button? Love the list!
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