Hello. My name is Morgan, and I'm a Pandora-holic. :-) I absolutely LOVE this website/radio station. I love that it lets me create my own stations. I love that it lets me be myself, while introducing me to new things. I love that it remembers what I like and what I don't like. I love that it stays up late with me when I'm studying. I love if for all these things. Especially that last one. In fact, that last one is the reason for this post. Last night (this morning) around 1:17am, in the middle of my BIO188 notes and my 3rd can of diet coke, when I was stressed and tired and really, really not wanting to review the golgi apparatus' involvement in cellular membrane flow for the 5th time, Pandora played this Missy Higgin's song:
Just lay it all down, put your face into my neck
And let it all fall out, I know, I know, I know
I knew before you got home
This world you're in now, it doesn't have to be alone
I'll get there somehow 'cos I know, I know I know
When even springtime feels cold
But I will learn to breath this ugliness you see
So we can both be there
And we can both share the dark
And in our honesty
Together we will rise out of our nightminds
And into the light at the end of the fight
You were blessed by a different kind of inner view
It's all magnified, the highs will make you fly
But the lows will make you want to die
And I was once there, hanging from
That very ledge where you are standing
So I know, I know, I know, it's easier to let go
But I will learn to breath this ugliness you see
So we can both be there
And we can both share the dark
And in our honesty
Together we will rise out of our nightminds
And into the light at the end of the fight
The English major in me immediately fell in love with the lyrics. The pre-med student in me needed to hear those words. Last week at a chemistry review the guy leading the review gently reminded all of us medical-school hopefuls that for the next x amount of years the world will be against us. And even though we all laughed, we knew it was true. The truth is our professors will try to trick us on exams, our friends will try to beat our GPA's, our applications will be scrupulously reviewed by the schools we apply to, and after all of that, two thirds of us will not get letters of acceptance reaffirming all our years of hard work. And most of the time all that stress and knowledge is manageable. But last night in my "nightmind," after days and hours of studying and a test looming nearer, I was feeling a little overwhelmed. So even though this "academic fight" isn't physically dangerous, it can still be tough. And this song helped.
So Pandora, my love, thank you.
Oh, and my BIO test was today. Pretty sure I rocked it. :-)
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