I may be slightly biased, but I have the best brothers in the world. They never cease to make me laugh with their dumb jokes and hilarious impersonations. Most of our hanging out time looks pretty much like this...

I have definitely missed them both a lot since I've been over here! And before I get back and our little trifecta is complete once more, two VERY cool things are happening to them!
1. Jay is graduates from high school! On May 27th he officially leaves the land of football games, cheer leaders, and standardized testing and enters the real world, or college. :-) I am so sad I will be missing his graduation but I'm promising to bring back a really awesome gift from Ireland. The picture below is one of his senior pics, isn't he a cutie?!

2. Jon was accepted into the Naval Academy's summer program! Basically, for one week he will be staying at the academy and getting a feel for what life is like there. This will be such a great opportunity for him and it will look awesome not only on his Naval academy Application but West Point too. I think he should also submit the following picture, as a proof of his seriousness and intelligence. ;-)

Good job boys!! I'm so proud of you guys. And remember while I'm gone...MAKE GOOD CHOICES!!! (I may be in Ireland, but I'm still only a plane ride away).
Love you both!!
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