As Beth lovingly put it, my life is very well “merchandised.” Anyone who has ever shopped with me will tell you I am THE ideal consumer. All rationality is lost when my sparkling little eyes spot a "sale" sign, shiny things also seem to have the same affect (ahem...Tiffany's...ahem). I partially blame the mall for this. I mean, really? Must ALL my favorite stores reside under the same roof?? Anyways...this mall mentality has allowed me to accumulate a lot of really cute clothes, shoes, and bags. I didn't realize just HOW many really cute clothes, shoes, and bags I had until I was faced with the task of packing them all into just 3 not-so-cute bags. Well, I'm sure you can imagine the predicament I was faced with when it came time to make wardrobe "cuts" (yes, pun intended) but I am going to help you out and give you a visual. THIS is what my room looked like just 3 short days ago...

And this is what my suitcase looked like when all of the above was packed in it...

If you're sitting at your computer saying, "Well I guess she had to make some more 'cuts.' I wonder which of her fabulous bags got left behind or which super-cute GAP argyle sweater was hung back up in the closet," then you my friend are mistaken! Libby, a.k.a. "packing extraordinaire," and myself managed to zip that bad boy up in less than four minutes. And for those of you hardcore doubters out there Beth, also a "packing extraordinaire," witnessed the event as well.

I get by with a LOT of help from my friends... ;-)
It's still hard to believe all that we fit inside that suitcase! But we did it!
I hope you meet some great packers before you have to pack again in 5 months! I am not sure that the amount of items put in those suitcases can be replicated.
I know!! I may have to succumb to the ways of UPS or its local equivalent. :-)
I've only been reading your blog on my google reader and I totally missed your cute new layout! Love, love, love it! Also, I'm very impressed with the packing. I'd heard about it but seeing the event in pictures makes it all the more extraordinary. Well done!!!
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