Well for those of you that haven't heard I made it to Ireland safely! After 3 planes and one very expensive taxi ride I arrived at my new home for the next five months on a cold rainy night. Since I've arrived most everyone I've talked to has been asking about my apartment so I thought I would give you a tour - blogosphere style!

On the first floor are my "house mates" bedrooms and our only bathroom. The bathroom is nice except for our shower, which I'm pretty sure was designed for fashion models or people with eating disorders...or both.

But enough about the bathroom...Let's go upstairs! Come on, follow me! (See how it's almost like a real tour?!)

Here is the kitchen (and my bedroom door)...

And to the right is the "family room" area...(Helen, one of my house mates is sitting on the couch)

My second favorite part of my apartment, besides the red door, is this window! It's hard to get a clear view because of the scenery but it is gorgeous!

A closer look...

I was standing at the window thinking about just how different the landscape here is from Arizona when I looked down to find this little fellow...

I have never been so excited to see a cactus in my whole life! So even though I'm in Northern Ireland I still have a little piece of home with me. I guess Helen found this little guy in one of the markets and thought it was "nice and lovely" as she put it.
My room is still a disaster right now because I haven't been able to get into Coleraine to buy hangers and other stuff I need so I won't post pictures of that just yet, but this is the view from my room...
It's way cute! I love the colorful doors so much : )
Hey girl! I know we haven't talked in forever, but I hope you have a great time in Ireland!... What an amazing experience!
I love it! Your place looks so cute and I know you will find a way to make it your very own!
I love that door!!! It kind of makes me want to paint my door red on whatever house I buy. :) Maybe not. The rest of the apt. is sooooo nice! I'm so glad you got the place you wanted. Can't wait to see the room when it's put together. Although my iChat tour was nice too. Miss you!
i can't decide if i like the cactus better or the red door. both are very nice. Promise you'll write about the weird stuff the Irish people say.
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