Before I could get completely settled in I had to purchase a few items from the local "Tesco," Ireland's version of Target Greatland. Granted no one is better at conveniently putting all of your household needs in one place like quite like my beloved Target, but Tesco does a pretty good job. On my list were hangers, push-pins, tacky for my posters, and new bedding! The "bedding pack" provided by the university sounded good in theory, but in reality proved about as effective in keeping me warm as a newspaper. The first 3 nights were pretty chilly, especially for an Arizona girl!

Another contributing factor to my personal Cold War is this radiator. We have one of these in Arizona only there we call it the Sun. Well, for something called a "radiator" this thing really is not "radiating" much heat. I had heard of these strange devices before from my parents, but never thought I would have to use the same heating device used in the dinosaur days! (Yes, that was a dig. Pun intended!)

My fabulous Sex and the City Movie posters next to my not-so-fabulous hotel inspired curtains...

This is my favorite space in my room! I love desks in general and really like how this section came together, with Uma's help of course. ;-)

One of the things I was most sad to leave behind, second to my family and friends of course ;-), was my memory board. I have accumulated quite a lot of stuff over the years and picking my favorite photos and cards from it was pretty difficult. So I was very thankful when I found this bulletin board in my room!

Finally, Ireland is just as beautiful as the books and movies make it out to be. The vivid greens are so hard to capture on film, but here is another one of my attempts...

This is the view from one spot on the University's campus. Sure it's no A-Mountain but it still is pretty. ;-) The river running though is the River Bann. As an English Literature Major I have read, analyzed, and interpreted this particular river many times so it really is a treat to finally meet it in person. Oh, and those tiny white specks way ba-a-a-ack in the far field are sheep. Sheep!!!