Ok, we're going to take a mini-break from my mini-series for a mini-book review. :-)
My two most recent NON-SCHOOL RELATED (aka...Fun with a capital F!) reads were The Help and One Day. While I wish I was one of those uber cool people who stumble upon books they want to read sifting through old books stores or over great cups of coffee with friends, most of my non-syllabi required reading begins with me. Sitting at Harkins. Watching previews for the next big major motion picture... Hear that? It's the lit. major in me cringing with shame/disgust. I blame it on my culture. And by "culture" I mean being white. (If you don't get this reference, you will need to take the next 4-7 minutes of your life - depending on your reading rate - and click here. I promise you will not regret it.)
Welcome back! So, here goes...

- Stockett's writing style. It's fantastic! I was hooked after the first paragraph.
- The story itself, such a great glimpse into our country's not too distant past.
- The ending. I'm not going to say anything else about it, except that I was really happy when I finished that last page.
- Nothing!! Absolutely would not change a thing about this book. :-)
Final Score: LOVE! Go read this book right now! You will not regret it. Yes, it deals with some very deep/intense issues, but it's a story that needs to be read and is definitely one of my favorite books of the year so far.

- I really enjoyed how he chose to tell this love story by only writing about a single day each year. I think writing this way could easily produce a fragmented story that would be more cause for a headache than enjoyment. But he does a superb job of keeping the story flowing.
- It makes you think! I couldn't help but wonder what my life story would look like if it were told for only a single day each year...probably pretty boring. :-)
- The characters. I had a really difficult time relating to them and if you do decide to read this book, be prepared to be frustrated with the leading male, Dexter, for pretty much the entire time, with the exception of a few chapters.
Final Score: LIKE. It's an easy, creatively written book and I don't regret reading it at all. If you're in the mood for a sometimes-sweet but throroughly realistic love story, you will definitely enjoy it.
Good reviews. I can't wait to read The Help (and not just because I'm white). :) Can't wait to see both movies with you. :)
Thanks friend!! Yes, movie dates are definitely on the horizon. :-)
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