Thursday, December 2, 2010

Diet Coke Cake

Just about 2 years ago when I got home from Ireland I decided that I needed to eat better, exercise more and basically just try to be healthier. Anyone who has ever done this knows it is much MUCH easier said than done. And it takes practice. And help. Lots of help. :-) Anyways, while I am by no means a pro when it comes to eating healthy, I have learned some tips and tricks along the way. One of the areas that I still struggle with though is baking. I love LOVE baking (and eating) way to much to give it up entirely so instead I've learned some alternatives to make some of my favorite snacks and treats healthy...ish. Obviously, one of the easiest ways to cut the calories and fat when you're baking is to substitute eggs and butter/oil. But in this next little gem of a recipe, both of these fat-packed ingredients are completely eliminated. So without further ado, I give you (..::drum roll::..) DIET COKE CAKE!!!

Ok, so it sounds ridiculous (and a little gross) but I promise it completely works AND makes a really moist and delicious cake. Besides the fact that is a completely FOOL proof recipe (not to mention cheap, only 2 ingredients!) it doesn't even have half the fat of normal cake. BONUS!!!

But for those hardcore doubters out there, here is an illustrated step-by-step "recipe."

Step 1. Grab a can of diet coke (I am not sure if diet pepsi works but I AM sure that non-diet soda does NOT work) and a chocolate (or dark) cake mix. (If you are making a lighter cake -- like vanilla -- use diet sprite or another clear diet soda.)

Step 2. Mix 'em together...and watch the fun chemical reaction take place. (SCIENCE!!!)

Step 3. Bake as usual.
*Because the cake is slightly more crumbly than normal cake, its best not to attempt a layer cake.
**Also, baking time MAY be a little shorter. So watch closely!

Step 4. Frost, decorate and enjoy the yumminess.

So everyone (and by that I mean my aunt and Shannon), there you have it! Tasty treats that won't ruin your day or add to your waistline. Perfect for a time of year when full-fat delicious goodies are lurking around EVERY corner just waiting to pounce when you least expect it. :-)

1 comment:

Amy said...

I may just have to try this!!