There are a lot of local legends about how and why these formations formed, but the most popular involves two giants, Finn Mac Cool and Benandonner. The two giants had been talking smack about each other for a while but had never actually fought because whenever one would schedule a fight, the other would come up with some excuse to blow it off. Apparently they were giants of the "flaky" variety. Anyways, one day Finn decided to build a causeway from Ireland to Scotland so Ben would be able to walk across on dry land. Well on the day of the fight when Finn saw Ben coming he freaked out and ran to the hills, surprised by his opponents size and strength. Finn's wife (not wanting to be widowed and pillaged) came up with a plan. Like grease lightening she made a giant bassinet, told Finn to lay in it, then covered him up with a blanket. When Ben arrived, she politely invited him in for tea and asked him to be quiet so as not to disturb Finn's son sleeping in the bassinet. When Ben saw how big and strong the baby was, it was his turn to freak. He politely excused himself from tea time with Finn's wife and ran back across the sea to Scotland, tearing up the causeway as he went. He left in such a hurry that he his boot came off and it is still here today.
*Yes, this legend does differ a little from the legend posted on the official Causeway's site, but I heard this version in my student orientations and well, I just like it better.
Although the legend is very entertaining, there is also a scientific explanation for these funky formations. Most scientists believe that they were formed about 55 million years ago during the early Tertiary period when lava flowed from a nearby volcano onto the shore.
A closer shot of those super cool hexagonal rocks...
Kayli and me trying to "fill Ben's boot" that he hurriedly left behind.
Climbing on the causeway...
BONUS: A biology fun fact for my dad! The Causeway is also home to over 200 varieties of plant species and birds such as the Chough and the Peregrine Falcon.
Ooooooh! Yet another reason for you to come visit me! ;-)
So fun! Way to show 'em your Sun Devil Pride ; )
So, that's seriously amazing! Those pictures are so beautiful. I'm glad you're out seeing all the beautiful sights. Keep your eyes peeled for a hot Irish guy. I'm just saying.
Oh, and speaking of guys...who's that guy in the pictures with you on facebook????
Great pictures!! Such a beautiful environment!
The landscapes are outstanding!! I didn't see the presence of any books....Hope you and Lauren are having a blast:)
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