So my awesome little (yes, even though legally he is now an adult he is still little to me) brother is currently in the process of applying to the military academies at West Point and Annapolis. A huge part of this application process is receiving a nomination from a senator or state representative. Each rep can only have a certain number of nominees in any of the given academies at a time AND the process to even get an interview can be highly competitive (300 people applied for McCain's nomination and only 52 of those applicants were selected to be interviewed!). Jon has had interviews with the nominating committees for Mitchell, McCain and Kyl this past week and a half and this evening received excellent news!! He has received Mitchell's nominations for both Annapolis and West Point!! While this still doesn't guarantee him acceptance to either of these academies it is a huge step towards this goal he was worked so hard to achieve, and of course I couldn't be more proud. :-)
Congrats Jon, way to rock as usual. ;-)
Today I feel a little old. Not really old, just a little old. My "little" brother turned 18 today and I cannot wrap my brain around his new adult status. While I'm so proud of who he is and who he is working hard to become, sometimes I still miss the little punk who I used to talk into eating "baby strawberries"...aka jalapenos. I know, I know. Mean. Whatever...
Anyways, here is the birthday boy and all his glory...

Happy Birthday Jon!!! Love you. :-)

Well, this month my blog turns one year old! I still remember the night Shannon and I made it a little over a year ago..*sigh.* (And by "Shannon and I," I really just mean Shannon. I had absolutely NO clue what was going on. Thanks again friend!)
I waited to publish my first post until after I had bought my plane ticket to Ireland. I thought a blog would be a fantastic way to keep everyone I cared about at home up to date with my travels and happenings overseas. And it was! It seems so strange that this time a year ago I was preparing to leave home for 5 months. Time sure flies!!
Even though I am not traveling the world currently, I still really enjoy having this space to share fun, albeit often random, things about my life.
So, for those of you who do, thanks for reading. :-)
(Stay tuned for another birthday post! Tomorrow my cute little brother turns 18!!!)